new job

Here’s What You Should do in The First Month of Your New Job

Once the initial excitement wears off, it’s time to get settled into your new position with a new company. The primary objective of your first month is to figure out how you can leverage your existing skillset and experience to better the organization you’re joining.

During the first month Quanta recommend you should focus on these priorities:

  1. Get To Know Your Team

First things first, you want to get to know your team better. Try to make brand new connections and allow others in the organization to learn more about you. You want to put yourself in situations to learn more about the other people you will be working with. That way, you can figure out how individuals work and how to best integrate your skillset and knowledge into the team.

  1. Get Organized and Start Setting Good Habits

When you are starting a new job, you can start on the right foot. This means, setting new goals, getting organized, and setting yourself up for success with successful habits. Try to organize your calendar and create a to-do list that you follow every day.

  1. Define Success

Throughout the first couple of weeks, you will want to sit down with your manager to define expectations. Not only do you want to talk about how you will work with one another, but also about what resources you will need to do your job effectively and how your performance is going to be measured.

Here are some guidelines to follow when you are having these conversations:

– Come Prepared

The last thing you want to do is have a discussion with your manager and be unprepared. You want to ensure that you have your expectations laid out ahead of time. That way, you can define what you expect and see whether or not they go together with your manager’s.

– Try To Find Early Wins

There is likely going to be a lot that you are dealing with. Because of this, you should try to prioritize getting things done that your manager wants to do first. This way, you can provide a benefit to their work-life and it will put you on good terms with one another.

Always remain humble when you are starting a new job. You want to take the time to thank those around you. Always give your coworkers a sense of appreciation when they are taking time out of their day to show you around and to help you learn the in’s and out’s of the company. Don’t take credit for work that you didn’t do and try to open your ears. Become a better listener because you will get further that way. No matter how much experience you have, you’ve never worked at this company previously. Therefore, you have a lot to learn before giving any input.

4 thoughts on “Here’s What You Should do in The First Month of Your New Job”

  1. Your posts are always impactful and eye-opening. The comprehensive data and the way you highlight the issue is commendable. Thank you for providing such a valuable information! Keep it up.

  2. I’m on the job hunt so this article is very helpful in preparing me for my first job since graduating high school. Thanks!

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