how does online jobs work

How does online jobs work?

How does online jobs work?

Great question, but before I get into how does online jobs work, I want to answer a very important question, Does online jobs work?

I can say definitively that yes, online jobs does work. How do I know or why am I so confident that it does work? Because I work online and I get paid for the jobs that I do online.

In this article you will learn:

  • The differences between online jobs and traditional jobs
  • Different categories of online jobs
  • What you’ll need to start working online

how does online jobs work

The difference between online job and a traditional job

Online jobs work just the same as a traditional job, the only difference is that you do it online (virtually). Any job that can be done on a computer, there is a likely chance that you can work online instead of going into the office at regular jobs. Unlike regular jobs where you have to physically go into the office, see your coworkers and your boss, with an online job, you don’t physically see a boss or a coworker but you do talk to them using voice over applications such as skype, slack, zoom, etc. Not only can you type and talk to the person you are working with (via the internet), you can also have video calls with your boss or co-worker.

So basically technology has afforded us the opportunity to work from anywhere, once you have computer and internet.

Different categories of online jobs.

1. Online jobs where you work with an agency (no direct conversation with the boss)

For example forum posting, mystery shopping, usability testing, taking surveys, etc.

Usually, with these types of online jobs, you either sign up or apply. If you only need to sign up, you begin working immediately. If you need to apply, your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted if successful, then you can start working.

How do you get paid when you work online? In the application/signup process, you’ll be asked for your payment information, usually payoneer or paypal.

After you have completed your tasks, you might have to submit your task (submitting a task or project can be as simple as clicking a ‘submit’ button, attaching a file or sending a link; depending on the nature of the task) or time stamp for review by administration. Sometimes, your pending payment is automatically updated to the system and your payment will be sent to your paypal or payoneer account.

2. Online jobs where you directly work with a boss

With these types of online jobs, you typically need to apply, you can sign up to freelance sites and find numerous online jobs to apply to.

After you have applied the boss will contact you and most likely you will be required to do an interview.

You usually do an interview using an application called skype (or some other application that allows voice/video communication).

After a successful interview, the boss will employ you for the job and you will be able to communicate with him via text, email, voice or video chats and he will give you projects to do. All this is done over the internet.

This type of online job would be just like a traditional job, except you don’t physically see your boss, yet you are still able to communicate with him.

At the end of a task or a work week, you submit your timesheet to your boss and he pays via paypal or payoneer or another payment option.

What you’ll need if you’re gonna start working online?

  • The first thing that you will need is to find an online job
  • Have your payment information ready/set up 
  • Have a voice/chat communication software (skype) set up in case you need to do an interview
  • Make sure you have all the tools (for example microsoft office, photoshop, etc) you’ll need to successfully complete you online job.

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1 thought on “How does online jobs work?”

  1. I never knew this was on the internet, it was really helpful and it was nice reading it. I will be glad to share it with others.

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